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Weight Loss and Eating Disorders

It's only human to wish that you looked different or could fix something you don't like about yourself. I will use hypnotherapy to help you identify your thoughts and feelings which may be triggering you to engage in weight-gaining behaviours.
However, when a preoccupation with being thin takes over your eating habits, thoughts, and life, it's a sign of an eating disorder where the desire to lose weight becomes more important than anything else. You may even lose the ability to see yourself as you truly are. Eating disorders affect women and men of all ages. They can damage your health and even threaten your life. But you're not alone. Through hypnotherapy, CBT and NLP there's help available when you're ready to make a change.
You deserve to be happy and via treatment I can help support you to feel better and learn to value yourself. Lets start now!
Please contact me for more details on: 07804692046 or at

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